TV & Movies

Η Disney ξεπέρασε σε συνδρομητές το Netflix

Η Walt Disney Co για πρώτη φορά ξεπέρασε σε αριθμό συνδρομητών διεθνώς το Netflix, με 221,1 εκατομμύρια στο τέλος Ιουνίου (από κοινού οι συνδρομητές...

Netflix loses almost a million subscribers

After enjoying a long reign as the king of streaming, Netflix faces a tough fight to keep its crown. It lost almost 1m subscribers between...

What everyone’s watching this week: ‘Stranger Things’ tops the most streamed list

Each week, the most streamed TV shows and movies come down to a few things — sheer buzz, a big finale, smart marketing, star...

Red light…Green light: Netflix shares teaser for Squid Game Season Two

We all knew it but the world's most inevitable announcement ever made, is now official: Squid Game will return for a second season. Netflix...

The Lincoln Lawyer sets the bar for legal drama adaptations

Legal dramas never go out of style. There’s something engaging about a courtroom drama, the fancy lives of hotshot lawyers, and the cat-and-mouse chase...