Cyprus: the place for digital nomads

Digital nomads, as the term implies, are people who work remotely from anywhere in the world, using digital technology to perform their job. This location-independent, technology-enabled lifestyle has been on the rise
during the last couple of years, with more and more people embracing it as their new reality.

To attract digital workers, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus recently announced a specific visa
programme, with several incentives for people who would like to take advantage of all the benefits of living on the island, while working for companies who operate outside the country. The programme aims to contribute to the transformation of the business ecosystem and the economic development of the country, by attracting talented individuals and entrepreneurs.

The Scheme’s goal is to strengthen Cyprus’ position, as a center for provision of services, where in combination with the other advantages offered by Cyprus, the attraction of digital nomads will contribute to the development of the business ecosystem and hence to the economic development of the country.

Benefits of the Scheme

Individuals that are granted with a Digital Nomad residence permit will have the right of residence in Cyprus for 1 year, with a possibility of renewal for a further 2 years.

Further, the family members of the individual can also obtain a residence permit in Cyprus for the same duration as the holder of the Digital Nomad Visa, however, they will not be allowed to be employed or perform any economic activity in Cyprus.

Family members include the spouse/ partner in a civil union and minor children.

Procedure to be followed

Individuals who are interested to apply for the Digital Nomad Visa, should enter Cyprus with a tourist visa. Within 3 months of their arrival in Cyprus, they should submit the relevant applications to the Civil Registry and Migration Department.

The time of examination of the applications is estimated to be anywhere between 5 – 7 weeks.

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